Conduct and Ethics
Building and maintaining trust in our business relationships and pursuing the highest standards of ethical behavior remain a fundamental aspect of our company’s core values. All Company’s shore and marine personnel are expected to be familiar with and understand the obligations under the Codes. In this respect, the provisions of the Codes are included in the employees’ initial familiarization as well as in their training plan. Furthermore, compliance with the Codes is included in the performance evaluation of the shore and marine personnel.
The following values and principles have been established, in this respect, among all shore based and shipboard employees, of all levels:
- The Company shore and marine personnel shall not be involved in any kind of harassment, abuse or discrimination.
- The Company shore and marine personnel shall not conceal any identified unsafe act or event which affects or could affect human health and safety, the environment and the property.
- The Company shore and marine personnel shall carry out their duties in a professional and impartial manner. All Company employees shall act in honesty and good faith.
- All information regarding Company’s operations, projects, reports or any work carried out shall be treated as business confidential to the extent that such information does not conflict with the Company’s policy for safety and environmental excellence and is not already disseminated or made generally available to third parties.
- Any kind of offer, gift or bribe in any form, direct or indirect, including kickbacks is strongly prohibited in all Company’s operations and processes. In addition, the Company prohibits the use of other routes or channels for provision of improper benefits to, or receipt of improper benefits from agents, contractors, suppliers or employees of any such party or government officials.
- Procurement is conducted in a fair and transparent manner.
Seaven Top Management is committed to provide a secure ship working environment and to this effect our shipboard personnel will be duly supported to detect terrorist or criminal activities always in conformity with International, Flag and Shipping industry requirements and according to the local particularities of trading areas. Furthermore, the Top Management is committed to safeguard that Company Security Officer, the Master and the Ship Security Officer will be provided with the required support to implement their responsibilities at all times. In order to fulfill this commitment, the Company shall review systematically and consistently the security policy so as to verify effectiveness continuation.
Training and Development
Training and development of our marine and shore personnel constitute a critical component of Seaven safety and environmental program. Training and development generate the configuration and the retention of competent marine personnel, leading to high seafarers performance, increased productivity and reduction in accidents, incidents and casualties.
Seaven provides training and development to our marine and shore personnel through a constructive Annual Training and Development Plan, that combines in-house training, training provided by third parties, simulator equipment, e-learning courses and computer based tools/- courses, post graduate courses, certifications and diplomas. Our approach enables the marine personnel of Seaven to enhance their skills and to be in position to pursue a long-term career within the Company. We endeavor to provide comprehensive training and development programs, so that our marine personnel can meet the industry requirements and have the opportunity to upgrade their professional profile and competences, as well as to advance their career.
At Seaven we provide the highest level of service to our customers through a well-maintained fleet, operated by experienced officers and crew. We are committed to the continuous development and optimization of our ship and shore side Operations and to the safe, high quality, healthy working conditions provided to our marine and shore personnel so that they can evolve professionally and thrive. Our corporate culture, reflecting the Compamy ‘s commitment to safety and compliance to regulations, is apparent within our fleet, through the everyday operations of our marine and shore personnel.
The shipping industry operates within a comprehensive global regulatory network of international, national, local, flag state and classification society compliance requirements. We seek to meet, and exceed compliance with all applicable rules and regulations governing the shipping industry. Specific Company environmental equipment and procedures exceed the regulations mandated by MARPOL, a conscious and responsible choice made by Seaven. Based on the Familiarization and Training Company Plan, we ensure that the marine and shore personnel understand and apply all Company environmental policies and procedures, regulatory requirements, the impact of our Operations to the environment and we declare the Company’s commitment to environmental stewardship.
Drug and Alcohol
The Drug and Alcohol Abuse policy of Seaven applies to all personnel, ashore and onboard. It embraces the principles set forth in the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) “Guidelines for the control of drugs and alcohol aboard ships”. No seafarer, whatever rank, will navigate a vessel or operate its equipment while impaired by drugs or alcohol or when there is any risk of such impairment.
Seaven is committed to the safe transportation of oil and cement products, the safety of our seafarers, the protection of the marine environment and the support and giving back to society. The commitment of Seaven to operate a safe and environmentally friendly fleet has enabled the Company to keep very low the number of injury incidents and to face no incidents of cargo spillage since its founding in 2003. By adhering to the strictest safety and environmental standards, Seaven is in position to maintain long-term relationships with both employees and customers.
The implementation of the Seaven Integrated Management System has been developed to ensure that we meet the expectations of our customers within the safety framework. We use a variety of management tools, including the following:
- Health, Safety and Environmental policy. Based to our Company’s policy, we are committed to provide healthy and safe working conditions, to promote safety, to adopt and apply pollution- free and environmentally safe operating practices.
Our main objectives are:- Zero level of accidents for Personnel, Machinery, Installation and Cargo.
- Zero tolerance for Air, Water and Sound pollution.
- Promotion of a corporate culture of commitment, within a healthy and safe working environment.To achieve these objectives, our Company safeguards that:
- The policies are understood, implemented and maintained, at all levels, within the organization.
- All of our employees, at all levels, comply strictly with the policies, standards and instructions set and perform their duties within safe and healthy working conditions and with responsibility towards the protection of the environment.
- Membership in marine environmental groups.
- Monitoring of safety performance data: among other key indicators, Seaven measures time that has passed since last accident on board.
- Crew recruitment, training, development and accident assessment. In order to ensure the sustainable, continuous development of Seaven, qualified seafarers are recruited, adequate training and development is continuously provided to our marine personnel and the safety of the working conditions exceeds the standards governing the shipping industry. Our recruitment procedures are in line with OCIMF requirements and with the applicable Officers Matrix requirements.